What We Do

Reimagining Youth Mentoring

The JP4 Foundation enriches the lives of underserved youth through healthy activity, healthy meals and healthy relationships. The Foundation takes a holistic approach to supporting underserved youth, instilling the skills that lead to lifelong healthy habits.

The JP4 Foundation programs include: 

The Diamond Club

Our after-school program is designed to ensure students can create meaningful and authentic relationships with young adult mentors who share their community and culture. Our focus is to provide nurturing and supportive relationships, constructive social engagement, and increased social-emotional competencies in a safe and equitable environment.

Summer-Long Camps

Our summer-long camps, which bring together youth from across the Twin Cities and provide a healthy outlet outside the structure of the school year. We partner with local schools, community centers, and other youth organizations to provide eight weeks of mentor-led summer-long camps for children ages 5-13, meeting once per week at 8-10 locations in underserved Urban areas of Minneapolis and St. Paul.