HopeKids and the JP4 Foundation
These two organizations look to bring hope to families in Minnesota.
“It’s all about the impact we make on families,” said Brian Anderson, Executive Director of HopeKids Minnesota. “HopeKids gives families the opportunities to be in a community. We focus on events and the impact those events have on our families.”
In the U.S. each year, close to 500,000 children cope with medical conditions that are life threatening. These different conditions affect not only the people with them, but also their families. These families are negatively impacted both financially and emotionally. HopeKids is not a cure for these illnesses, but they believe that hope is a powerful medicine. One of these events, “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” was held at the University of Northwestern-St. Paul. The event was held for families from HopeKids and a few other organizations on August 18, 2019. The focus was to invite families for a relaxing Sunday afternoon at the ballpark which included a ceremonial first pitch, the National Anthem and an opportunity to play baseball. “It is great to invite our families to a baseball game in the summer where they don’t have to worry about large crowds, the cost of food or parking,” said Brianna Watke who is the Program Manager at HopeKids. This event was hosted by The JP4 Foundation. The partnership was centered around giving these families a special baseball experience that would create memories for a lifetime. “I was impressed with The JP4 Foundation and Jeff does a great job leading,” said Anderson. “I love the partnership because it’s a little out-of-the-box for us.” HopeKids looks to the future and they are excited to see how the two organizations can partner for the good of the families involved. “I see our partnership growing into a yearly baseball clinic,” said Watke. “Private events that fit the needs of our families are very impactful.” HopeKids looks to directly impact their families through events in Minnesota. This out-of-the-box partnership will continue to bring hope to families through the outlet of baseball.